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Requesting Smashwords Reviews
16 March 2013 2 Comments

Hello Belfire readers and Smashwords members! Heck, even if you aren’t a member of Smashwords now, you might change your mind for free books…

All of our titles are up on Smashwords, our favorite multi-format, independent, ebook distributor. The thing is, not as many of the titles are reviewed over there, as there are on Amazon or BN. Today, we’re putting a call out to those who use Smashwords, and post reviews of the titles they read.

We’ve created a freebie coupon for each of our regular fiction titles released in 2012; poetry and New Bedlam titles are by special request only. The offer expires March 23rd, but we can always generate coupons for any title.

If you like the look of our list, and think you’d like to give a read & review, please contact us with your Smashwords profile link, and we’ll send you the coupon(s) of your choice. Comment below, use our contact form, DM or @ us on Twitter or Facebook, we’ll see you!

Happy reading!

Belfire Press

Feel free to use this offer to check out my book, Wolf Hunter.